What is List Management?

What is List Management?

List Management is defined as the process by which one person or entity collects consumer data (“List Owner”) and either leases or sells that data to another person or company (“List Manager”).  The data may be personally identifiable Information (“PII”) such as the name, address, telephone number, and email address or it may be Non- Personally Identifiable Information (“Non-PII”) such as browser information, site information, etc. collected from cookies.  Once the PII or Non-PII is provided, the List Manager will attempt to monetize the data by publishing advertising offers to the data and maximizing sales through promotional efforts.  The advertisement offers may be that of the List Owner or a Third Party not affiliated with the List Owner.

Thus, where a website owner is going collect consumer data and transfer that data to a third party, the privacy policy posted on the website must notify the consumer of the methods of collecting the consumer’s data (specifically the PII) and the transfer of that data to a third party for commercial use.


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