North Carolina Telephone Solicitations (NC Gen. Stat. § 75-100, et seq. and NC Gen. Stat. § 66-260 - § 66-266)

North Carolina Telephone Solicitations
NC Gen. Stat. § 75-100, et seq.
NC Gen. Stat. § 66-260 - § 66-266
Chapter 75 - Monopolies, Trusts and Consumer Protection
Article 4 - Telephone Solicitations.
§ 75-100. Findings.
§ 75-101. Definitions.
§ 75-102. Restrictions on telephone solicitations.
§ 75-103. Limited exceptions.
§ 75-104. Restrictions on use of automatic dialing and recorded message players.
§ 75-105. Enforcement.
§§ 75-106 through 75-114. Reserved for future codification purposes.
§ 75-100.  Findings.
The General Assembly finds all of the following:
(1)        The use of the telephone to market goods and services to the home is now pervasive due to the increased use of cost-effective telephone solicitation technologies and techniques.
(2)        While some consumers enjoy and benefit from telephone solicitations from legitimate telephone solicitors, many others object to these telephone solicitations as an intrusive invasion of their privacy in the home.
(3)        In addition, the proliferation of telephone solicitations, especially during the evening hours, creates a nuisance and a disturbance upon the home and family life of telephone subscribers during a time of day used by many families for traditional family activities.
(4)        North Carolina residents should have the freedom to choose whether or not to permit telephone solicitors to contact them.
(5)        Individual privacy rights, personal safety, prevention of fraud, and commercial freedom of speech and trade must be balanced in a way that protects the privacy of individuals and permits legitimate telephone solicitation practices.
(6)        Legitimate telephone solicitors have no interest in continuing to invade the privacy of those telephone subscribers who affirmatively express their desires to receive no further telephone solicitations.
(7)        Many telephone subscribers who have transacted business with firms that employ telephone solicitations have experienced problems with their checking and credit card accounts being debited before they can evaluate the terms and conditions of the transaction, before they can evaluate the merchandise or service to be delivered, or without their agreement to enter into the transaction or authorize such transactions in the first place. Other telephone subscribers have had unauthorized charges placed on their telephone bill and have had their long-distance carrier switched without their authorization as a result of telephone solicitations.
(8)        New technologies that make telephone solicitations more cost-effective also allow for the creation of a "Do Not Call" Registry through which North Carolina consumers can easily register their desires not to receive further telephone solicitations and telephone solicitors can easily access and employ lists of consumers who have registered those desires.
(9)        The public interest requires an efficient mechanism for telephone subscribers to notify telephone solicitors that their telephone numbers cannot be called and additional protections for North Carolina residents who enter into consumer transactions initiated through telephone solicitations. (2003-411, s. 3.)
§ 75-101.  Definitions.
The following definitions apply in this Article:
(1)       Affiliate. - A business establishment, business, or other legal entity that wholly or substantially owns, is wholly or substantially owned by, or is under common ownership with a telephone solicitor.
(2)       Automatic dialing and recorded message player. - Any automatic equipment that incorporates a storage capability of telephone numbers to be called or a random or a sequential number generator capable of producing numbers to be called that, working alone or in conjunction with other equipment, disseminates a prerecorded message to the telephone number called.
(3)       "Do Not Call" Registry. - The registry created and maintained by the Federal Trade Commission pursuant to the Telemarketing Sales Rule. It also means any other telemarketing registry created by the federal government, including the Federal Communications Commission. It also means any registry created by the Attorney General pursuant to G.S. 75-102(n).
(4)       Doing business in this State. - To make or cause to be made any telephone solicitation to North Carolina telephone subscribers, whether the telephone solicitations are made from a location inside North Carolina or outside North Carolina.
(5)       Established business relationship. - A relationship between a seller and a consumer based on:
a.         The consumer's purchase, rental, or lease of the seller's goods or services or a financial transaction between the consumer and the seller or one or more of its affiliates within the 18 months immediately preceding the date of a telephone solicitation; or
b.         The consumer's inquiry or application regarding a product or service offered by the seller within the three months immediately preceding the date of a telephone solicitation.
(6)       Express invitation or permission. - Any invitation or permission that is registered by the telephone subscriber on an independent form and that contains the telephone number to which calls can be placed and the signature of the telephone subscriber. The form may be completed and signed electronically.
(7)       Person. - Any individual, business establishment, business, or other legal entity.
(8)       Telemarketing Sales Rule. - The federal regulation promulgated by the Federal Trade Commission, 16 C.F.R. Part 310 (January 29, 2003 Edition), as amended, to implement the Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 6101-6108, as amended.
(9)       Telephone solicitation. - A voice or text communication, whether prerecorded, live, or a facsimile, over a telephone line or wireless telephone network or via a commercial mobile radio service that is made by a telephone solicitor to a telephone subscriber for the purpose of soliciting or encouraging the purchase or rental of, or investment in, property, goods, or services; obtaining or providing information that will or may be used for that purpose; soliciting or encouraging a telephone subscriber's participation in any contest, sweepstakes, raffle, or lottery, whether legal or illegal; or obtaining a charitable donation. "Telephone solicitation" also includes those transactions that are defined as "telemarketing" under the Telemarketing Sales Rule.
(10)     Telephone solicitor. - Any individual, business establishment, business, or other legal entity doing business in this State that, directly or through salespersons or agents, makes or attempts to make telephone solicitations or causes telephone solicitations to be made. "Telephone solicitor" also includes any party defined as a "telemarketer" under the Telemarketing Sales Rule.
(11)     Telephone subscriber. - An individual who subscribes to a residential telephone service from a local exchange company, a competing local provider certified to do business in North Carolina, or a wireless telephone company; or the individuals living or residing with that individual.
(12)     Unsolicited telephone call. - A voice or text communication, whether prerecorded, live, or a facsimile, over a telephone line or wireless telephone network or via a commercial mobile radio service that is made by a person to a telephone subscriber without prior express invitation or permission.  (2003-411, s. 3; 2019-188, s. 1.)
§ 75-102.  Restrictions on telephone solicitations.
(a)       Except as provided in G.S. 75-103, no telephone solicitor shall make a telephone solicitation to a telephone subscriber's telephone number if the telephone subscriber's telephone number appears in the latest edition of the "Do Not Call" Registry.
(b)       No telephone solicitor shall make a telephone solicitation to a telephone subscriber's telephone number if the telephone subscriber previously has communicated to the telephone solicitor a desire to receive no further telephone solicitations from the telephone solicitor to that number.
(c)       Any telephone solicitor who makes a telephone solicitation shall do all of the following:
(1)       At the beginning of the telephone solicitation, state clearly the identity of the telephone solicitor and identify the individual making the telephone solicitation.
(2)       Upon request, provide the telephone subscriber with the telephone number or address at which the telephone solicitor may be contacted.
(3)       If the telephone subscriber requests to be taken off the contact list of the telephone solicitor, the telephone solicitor shall take all steps necessary to remove the telephone subscriber's name and telephone number from the contact list of the telephone solicitor and stop calling the telephone subscriber within 30 business days.
(4)       If the telephone subscriber objects to the telephone solicitation, terminate the telephone solicitation and promptly disconnect from the telephone line of the person receiving the call.
(5)       Notwithstanding subdivision (3) of this subsection, if a telephone solicitor relies on the established business relationship of an affiliate to solicit a residential telephone subscriber whose telephone number is listed in the latest edition of the "Do Not Call" Registry and the person called communicates a desire to receive no further telephone solicitations from the telephone solicitor, the telephone solicitor shall take all steps necessary to remove that telephone subscriber's telephone number from the contact lists of the telephone solicitor and that affiliate, unless the telephone subscriber indicates otherwise, and the telephone solicitor and that affiliate shall stop calling the telephone subscriber at that number within 60 business days.
(d)       Every telephone solicitor shall implement systems and written procedures to prevent further telephone solicitations to any telephone subscriber who has asked not to be called again at a specific number or numbers or whose telephone number appears in the "Do Not Call" Registry. Every telephone solicitor shall train, monitor, and enforce compliance by its employees and shall monitor and enforce compliance by its independent contractors in those systems and procedures. Every telephone solicitor shall ensure that lists of telephone numbers that may not be contacted by the telephone solicitor are maintained and recorded. Compliance with the time requirements within the Telemarketing Sales Rule for incorporating and complying with updated versions of the "Do Not Call" Registry shall constitute compliance with North Carolina law.
(e)       Except as provided in G.S. 75-103, no telephone solicitor shall violate any requirement of section 310.3 of the Telemarketing Sales Rule (Deceptive telemarketing acts or practices), section 310.4 of the Telemarketing Sales Rule (Abusive telemarketing acts or practices), and section 310.5 of the Telemarketing Sales Rule (Record keeping requirements).
(f)        No telephone solicitor shall make a telephone solicitation before 8:00 A.M. or after 9:00 P.M.
(g)       A telephone solicitor shall inquire as to whether the telephone subscriber is under the age of 18. If the telephone subscriber purports to be less than 18 years of age, the telephone solicitor shall discontinue the call immediately. No inquiry is required where the solicitor has taken reasonable steps to remove all telephone contacts who are less than 18 years of age from its list of subscribers being contacted or can demonstrate that it does not target subscribers who are less than 18 years of age.
(h)       No telephone solicitor shall engage in threats, intimidation, or the use of profane or obscene language.
(i)        No telephone solicitor shall cause misleading information to be transmitted to users of caller identification technologies or otherwise block or misrepresent the origin of the telephone solicitation. No provider of telephone caller identification services shall be held liable for violations of this subsection committed by other individuals or entities. It is not a violation of this subsection for a telephone solicitor to utilize the name and number of the entity the solicitation is being made on behalf of rather than the name and number of the telephone solicitor.
(j)        A telephone solicitor or its agent that makes telephone solicitations on its behalf, provided that the telephone solicitor ensures compliance by its agent, shall keep a record for a period of 24 months from the date a telephone solicitation is made of the legal name, any fictitious name used, the resident address, the telephone number, and the job title of each individual who makes a telephone solicitation for that telephone solicitor. If an individual who makes telephone solicitations for a telephone solicitor uses a fictitious name, the fictitious name shall be traceable only to the specific individual.
(k)       Nothing in this section prohibits a telephone solicitor from contacting by nontelephonic notice a telephone subscriber whose telephone number appears in the "Do Not Call" Registry to obtain the telephone subscriber's express invitation or permission allowing the telephone solicitor to make telephone solicitations to the telephone subscriber. A telephone solicitor shall not contact a telephone subscriber by telephone to obtain this express invitation or permission.
(l)        Nothing in this section prohibits a telephone solicitor from advertising in a general medium or contacting by nontelephonic notice a telephone subscriber whose telephone number appears in the "Do Not Call" Registry to encourage the telephone subscriber to initiate telephone calls to the telephone solicitor. A telephone solicitor shall not contact a telephone subscriber by telephone to obtain this express invitation or permission.
(m)      The Attorney General, in consultation with the Public Staff of the Public Utilities Commission, shall draft the contents of a bill insert or bill message, a direct mailing, and an e-mail that notifies consumers of the existence of the "Do Not Call" Registry and provides information to consumers on how to use it and the other provisions of this Article to object to receiving telephone solicitations. Local exchange companies shall distribute the notification pursuant to G.S. 62-54.
(n)       In the event that the federal "Do Not Call" Registry is not operational by January 1, 2004, or ceases to operate for any reason after January 1, 2004, the Attorney General may develop, operate, and maintain such a registry for the benefit of North Carolina telephone subscribers.
(o)       In telephone solicitation transactions involving telephone subscribers, no contract or purchase agreement entered into during a telephone solicitation is valid, and no money from the prospective purchaser is due thereunder, unless all the following conditions are satisfied:
(1)       The contract and the sales representations that precede it are not deceptive or abusive telemarketing acts or practices as elaborated in sections 310.3 and 310.4 of the Telemarketing Sales Rule only to the extent that this Article requires telephone solicitors to comply with these regulations.
(2)       The telephone solicitor has complied with the record keeping requirements of section 310.5 of the Telemarketing Sales Rule only to the extent that this Article requires telephone solicitors to comply with these regulations.
(3)       The contract and the sales representations that precede it comply with all other applicable federal and State laws, including Article 1 of this Chapter.  (2003-411, ss. 3, 4; 2009-122, s. 1; 2019-188, s. 2.)
§ 75-103.  Limited exceptions.
(a)        G.S. 75-102(a) does not apply to any of the following telephone solicitations that are made:
(1)        To any telephone subscriber with the telephone subscriber's prior express invitation or permission.
(2)        To any telephone subscriber with whom the telephone solicitor has an established business relationship.
(3)        By or on behalf of a tax-exempt nonprofit organization.
(4)        By or on behalf of a telephone solicitor that employs fewer than 10 full-time or part-time direct employees, the telephone solicitations are made by the direct employees, and the direct employees collectively make or attempt to make no more than an average of 10 telephone solicitations to telephone subscribers per week during a calendar year.
(5)        To any telephone subscriber for the sole purpose of arranging a subsequent face-to-face meeting between the telephone solicitor and the telephone subscriber and the telephone solicitor does none of the following during the telephone solicitation:
a.         Seek payment from the telephone subscriber in connection with the sale or rental of, or investment in, property, goods, or services.
b.         Complete the sale or rental of, or investment in, property, goods, or services.
c.         Obtain provisional acceptance of a sale, rental, or investment.
d.         Obtain the agreement of the telephone subscriber to participate in any contest, sweepstakes, raffle, or lottery.
e.         Directly following the telephone solicitation, go or cause an individual to go to the telephone subscriber to collect a payment or deliver any item purchased.
(6)        By a person primarily soliciting the sale of a subscription for a newspaper of general circulation.
(b)        G.S. 75-102(c)(3), 75-102(d), 75-102(g), and 75-102(j) do not apply to any telephone solicitations described in G.S. 75-103(a)(1), (2), (3), (4), and (5).
(c)        G.S. 75-102(e) does not apply to any of the telephone solicitations described in subdivisions (a)(4) and (a)(5) of this section.
(d)       G.S. 75-102(e) does not apply to any of the telephone solicitations described in subdivisions (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3) of this section, except that these types of telephone solicitations shall comply with sections 310.3(a)(2), (a)(3), and (a)(4), 310.3(c), 310.3(d), 310.4(a), 310.4(b)(1)(i) and (iv), (b)(2), (b)(3), and (b)(4), and 310.4(e) of the Telemarketing Sales Rule.
(e)        In any dispute regarding whether a telephone subscriber has provided an express invitation or permission under subsection (a) of this section, the telephone solicitor has the burden of proving that the telephone subscriber has provided this permission by producing the original document, a facsimile document, or an electronic form, signed by the telephone subscriber, or other authentication that evidences permission. A telephone subscriber may subsequently retract express invitation or permission by indicating a desire not to receive further telephone solicitations under G.S. 75-102(b). (2003-411, s. 3.)
§ 75-104.  Restrictions on use of automatic dialing and recorded message players.
(a)       Except as provided in this section, no person may use an automatic dialing and recorded message player to make an unsolicited telephone call.
(b)       Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, a person may use an automatic dialing and recorded message player to make an unsolicited telephone call only under one or more of the following circumstances:
(1)       All of the following are satisfied:
a.         The person making the call is any of the following:
1.         A tax-exempt charitable or civic organization.
2.         A political party or political candidate.
3.         A governmental official.
4.         An opinion polling organization, radio station, television station, cable television company, or broadcast rating service conducting a public opinion poll.
b.         No part of the call is used to make a telephone solicitation.
c.         The person making the call clearly identifies the person's name and contact information and the nature of the unsolicited telephone call.
(2)       Prior to the playing of the recorded message, a live operator complies with G.S. 75-102(c), states the nature and length in minutes of the recorded message, and asks for and receives prior approval to play the recorded message from the person receiving the call.
(3)       The unsolicited telephone call is in connection with an existing debt or contract for which payment or performance has not been completed at the time of the unsolicited telephone call, and both of the following are satisfied:
a.         No part of the call is used to make a telephone solicitation.
b.         The person making the call clearly identifies the person's name and contact information and the nature of the unsolicited telephone call.
(4)       The unsolicited telephone call is placed by a person with whom the telephone subscriber has made an appointment, provided that the call is conveying information only about the appointment, or by a utility, telephone company, cable television company, satellite television company, or similar entity for the sole purpose of conveying information or news about network outages, repairs or service interruptions, and confirmation calls related to restoration of service, and both of the following are satisfied:
a.         No part of the call is used to make a telephone solicitation.
b.         The person making the call clearly identifies the person's name and contact information and the nature of the unsolicited telephone call.
(5)       The person plays the recorded message in order to comply with section 16 C.F.R. Part 310.4(b)(4) of the Telemarketing Sales Rule.
(6)       The unsolicited telephone call is placed by, or on behalf of, a health insurer as defined in G.S. 58-51-115(a)(2) from whom the telephone subscriber or other covered family member of the health insurer receives health care coverage or the administration of such coverage, provided that the call is conveying information related to the telephone subscriber or family member's health care, preventive services, medication or other covered benefits, and both of the following are satisfied:
a.         No part of the call is used to make a telephone solicitation.
b.         The person making the call clearly identifies the person's name and contact information and the nature of the unsolicited telephone call.
(7)       No part of the call is used to make a telephone solicitation, the person making the call clearly identifies the person's contact information and the nature of the unsolicited telephone call, and the sole purpose of the unsolicited telephone call is to protect the public health, safety, or welfare, by informing the telephone subscriber of any of the following:
a.         That the telephone subscriber has purchased a product that is subject to a recall by the product's manufacturer, distributor or retailer, or by the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission or another government agency or department with legal authority to recall the product which is the subject of the call, due to safety or health concerns, provided that (i) there is a reasonable basis to believe that the telephone subscriber has purchased the product, and (ii) the message complies with any requirements imposed by any government agency instituting the recall.
b.         That the telephone subscriber may have received a prescription or over-the-counter medication that is subject to a recall by the product's manufacturer, distributor or retailer, or by the federal Food and Drug Administration or another government agency or department with legal authority to recall the product which is the subject of the call, due to safety or health concerns, provided that (i) the call and its message comply with the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (P.L. 104-191) (HIPAA) and any corresponding regulations pertaining to privacy, (ii) there is a reasonable basis to believe that the telephone subscriber has purchased or received the medication, and (iii) the message complies with any requirements imposed by the government agency or product manufacturer, distributor, or retailer instituting the recall.
c.         That the telephone subscriber has not picked up a filled prescription drug for which a valid prescription is on file with a pharmacy licensed pursuant to G.S. 90-85.21 and the telephone subscriber requested that the prescription be filled, provided that the call and its message comply with the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (P.L. 104-191) (HIPAA) and any corresponding regulations pertaining to privacy.
(8)       The call is generated from a court proceeding notification system established by the Administrative Office of the Courts.  (2003-411, s. 3; 2008-124, s. 10.3; 2009-364, s. 1; 2018-40, s. 13.2.)
§ 75-105.  Enforcement.
(a)        The Attorney General may investigate any complaints received alleging violation of this Article. If the Attorney General finds that there has been a violation of this Article, the Attorney General may bring an action to impose civil penalties and to seek any other appropriate relief pursuant to this Chapter, including equitable relief to restrain the violation. If the Attorney General brings an action on behalf of telephone subscribers pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, the Attorney General may not seek treble damages on behalf of telephone subscribers pursuant to G.S. 75-16. Actions for civil penalties under this section shall be consistent with the provisions of this Chapter except that the penalty imposed for a violation of this Article shall be either of the following:
(1)        Five hundred dollars ($500.00) for the first violation, one thousand dollars ($1,000) for the second violation, and five thousand dollars ($5,000) for the third and any other violation that occurs within two years of the first violation.
(2)        One hundred dollars ($100.00) for each violation within two years of the first violation, if the solicitor can show that the violations are the result of a mistake and the telephone solicitor either made the telephone solicitation under G.S. 75-103(a)(1), (2), (3), (4), and (5), or can show that the telephone solicitor complied with G.S. 75-102(d).
(b)        A telephone subscriber who has received a telephone solicitation from or on behalf of a telephone solicitor in violation of this Article may bring any of the following actions in civil court:
(1)        An action to enjoin further violations of this Article by the telephone solicitor.
(2)        An action to recover five hundred dollars ($500.00) for the first violation, one thousand dollars ($1,000) for the second violation, and five thousand dollars ($5,000) for the third and any other violation that occurs within two years of the first violation.
(c)        No action may be brought under subsection (b) of this section if the violations are a result of mistake and the telephone solicitor either made the telephone solicitation under G.S. 75-103(a)(1), (2), (3), (4), and (5), or can show that the telephone solicitor complied with G.S. 75-102(d).
(d)       In an action brought pursuant to this Article, the court may award a prevailing plaintiff reasonable attorneys' fees if the court finds the defendant willfully engaged in the act or practice, and the court may award reasonable attorneys' fees to a prevailing defendant if the court finds that the plaintiff knew, or should have known, that the action was frivolous and malicious.
(e)        A citizen of this State may also bring an action in civil court to enforce the private rights of action established by federal law under 47 U.S.C. § 227(b)(3) and 47 U.S.C. § 227(c)(5).
(f)        Actions brought by telephone subscribers pursuant to this section shall be tried in the county where the plaintiff resides at the time of the commencement of the action. (2003-411, s. 3.)
§§ 75-106 through 75-114.  Reserved for future codification purposes.
NC Gen. Stat. § 66-260 - § 66-266
NC General Statutes 
Chapter 66 - Commerce and Business.
Article 33 - Telephonic Seller Registration and Bond Requirement.
§ 66-260. Definitions.
§ 66-261. Registration of telephonic sellers.
§ 66-262. Filing information.
§ 66-263. Bond requirement; prizes and gifts.
§ 66-264. Calls made to minors.
§ 66-265. Offers of gifts or prizes.
§ 66-266. Penalties.
§§ 66-267 through 66-269. Reserved for future codification purposes.
§ 66-260.  Definitions.
As used in this Article, unless the context requires otherwise:
(1)        "Gift or prize" means any premium, bonus, award, or any other thing of value.
(2)        "Item" means any good or any service. "Item" includes coupon books, vouchers, or certificates that are to be used with businesses other than the seller's business.
(3)        "Owner" means a person who owns or controls ten percent (10%) or more of the equity of, or otherwise has a claim to ten percent (10%) or more of the net income of, a telephonic seller.
(4)        "Person" includes any individual, firm, association, corporation, partnership, joint venture, or any other business entity.
(5)        "Principal" means an owner, an executive officer of a corporation, a general partner of a partnership, a sole proprietor of a sole proprietorship, a trustee of a trust, or any other individual with similar supervisory functions with respect to any person.
(6)        "Purchaser" or "prospective purchaser" means a person who is solicited to become obligated to a telephonic seller or to make any donation or gift to any person represented by the telephonic seller.
(7)        "Room operator" means any principal, employee, or agent responsible for the operational management and supervision of facilities from which telephonic sales calls are made or received.
(8)        "Salesperson" means any individual employed, appointed, or authorized by a telephonic seller, whether referred to by the telephonic seller as an agency, representative, or independent contractor, who attempts to solicit or solicits a sale on behalf of the telephonic seller.
(9)        "Secretary" means the Office of the Secretary of State.
(10)      "Telephone solicitation" or "attempted telephone solicitation" means any telephonic communication designed to persuade any person to purchase goods or services, to enter a contest, or to contribute to a charity or a person represented to be a charity, regardless of whether the telephone call initiating the solicitation is placed by the (i) telephonic seller or (ii) a person responding to any unsolicited notice or notices sent or provided by or on behalf of the seller, which notice or notices represent to the recipient that he or she has won a gift or prize, that the recipient may obtain or qualify for credit by contacting the seller, or that the seller has buyers interested in purchasing the recipient's property.
(11)      "Telephonic seller" or "seller" means a person who, directly or through salespersons, causes a telephone solicitation or attempted telephone solicitation to occur. "Telephonic seller" and "seller" do not include any of the following:
a.         A securities "dealer" within the meaning of G.S. 78A-2(2) or a person excluded from the definition of "dealer" by that provision: a "salesman" within the meaning of G.S. 78A-2(9); an "investment adviser" within the meaning of G.S. 78C-2(1) or a person excluded from the definition of "investment adviser" by that provision; or an "investment adviser representative" within the meaning of G.S. 78C-2(3); provided that such persons shall be excluded from the terms "telephonic seller" and "seller" only with respect to activities regulated by Chapters 78A and 78C.
b.         Any person conducting sales or solicitations on behalf of a licensee of the Federal Communications Commission or holder of a franchise or certificate of public convenience and necessity from the North Carolina Utilities Commission.
c.         Any insurance agent or broker who is properly licensed by the Department of Insurance and who is soliciting within the scope of the agent's or broker's license or any employee or independent contractor of an insurance company licensed by the Department of Insurance conducting sales or solicitations on behalf of that company.
d.         Any federally chartered bank, savings institution, or credit union or any bank, savings institution, or credit union properly licensed by the State or subject to federal regulating authorities.
e.         Any organization that is exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or any successor section, or that is organized exclusively for one or more of the purposes specified in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or any successor section and that upon dissolution shall distribute its assets to an entity that is exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or any successor section, the United States, or a state; any "charitable solicitor" properly licensed under Article 2 of Chapter 131F of the General Statutes, or any person exempt from Chapter 131F of the General Statutes under G.S. 131F-3.
f.          A person who periodically issues and delivers catalogs to potential purchasers and the catalog:
1.         Includes a written description or illustration and the sales price of each item offered for sale;
2.         Includes at least 24 full pages of written material or illustrations;
3.         Is distributed in more than one state; and
4.         Has an annual circulation of not less than 250,000 customers.
g.         A person engaging in a commercial telephone solicitation where the solicitation is an isolated transaction and not done in the course of a pattern of repeated transactions of a like nature.
h.         A person primarily soliciting the sale of a newspaper of general circulation, a publisher of a magazine or other periodical of general circulation, or an agent of such a publisher acting pursuant to a written agency agreement.
i.          A person soliciting the sale of services provided by a cable television system operating under the authority of a local franchise.
j.          Any passenger airline licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration.
k.         Any person holding a real estate broker's or sales agent's license under Chapter 93A of the General Statutes and who is soliciting within the scope of the broker's or agent's license.
l.          Any person soliciting a transaction regulated by the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, provided the person is registered or temporarily licensed by the Commodities Futures Trading Commission under the Commodity Exchange Act, 7 U.S.C. § 1, et seq.
m.        Any person soliciting a purchase from a business, provided the person soliciting makes reasonable efforts to ensure that the person solicited has actual authority to bind the business to a purchase agreement.
n.         A foreign corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership that has obtained and maintained a certificate of authority to transact business or conduct affairs in this State pursuant to Chapter 55, 55A, or 57D or Article 5 of Chapter 59 of the General Statutes and that only transacts business or conducts affairs in this State using the name set forth in the certificate of authority.
o.         An issuer or a subsidiary of an issuer that has a class of securities which is subject to section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. § 781) and which is either registered or exempt from registration under paragraph (A), paragraph (B), paragraph (C), paragraph (E), paragraph (F), paragraph (G), or paragraph (H) of subsection (g)(2) of that section.
p.         A person soliciting the sale of food, seeds, or plants when a sale does not involve an amount in excess of one hundred dollars ($100.00) directed to a single address.
q.         A person soliciting:
1.         Without intent to complete or obtain provisional acceptance of a sale during the telephone solicitation;
2.         Who does not make the major sales presentation during the telephone solicitation but arranges for the major sales presentation to be made at a later face-to-face meeting between the salesperson and the purchaser;
3.         Who does not cause an individual to go to the prospective purchaser to collect payment for the purchase or to deliver any item purchased directly following the telephone solicitation; or
4.         Who offers to send the purchaser descriptive literature and does not require payment prior to the purchaser's review of the descriptive literature.
r.          A person soliciting the purchase of contracts for the maintenance or repair of items previously purchased from the person making the solicitation or on whose behalf the solicitation is made.
s.          A book, video, recording, or multimedia club or contractual plan or arrangement:
1.         Under which the seller provides the consumer with a form with which the consumer can instruct the seller not to ship the offered merchandise.
2.         Which is regulated by the Federal Trade Commission trade regulation concerning "use of negative option plans by sellers in commerce".
3.         Which provides for the sale of books, recordings, multimedia products or goods, or videos which are not covered under paragraphs 1. or 2. of this sub-subdivision, including continuity plans, subscription arrangements, standing order arrangements, supplements, and series arrangements under which the seller periodically ships merchandise to a consumer who has consented in advance to receive such merchandise on a periodic basis.
t.          A person who for at least two years has been operating under the same name as that used in connection with its telemarketing operations and retail establishment in North Carolina where consumer goods are displayed and offered for sale on a continuing basis if a majority of the person's business involves the buyers obtaining services or products at the person's retail establishment.
u.         A person:
1.         Who provides telephone solicitation services under contract to sellers;
2.         Who has been operating continuously for at least three years under the same business name; and
3.         For whom at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the person's contracts are performed on behalf of other persons exempt under this section.
v.         A person soliciting political contributions in accordance with Article 22A of Chapter 163 of the General Statutes.
w.        The seller of a "business opportunity" as defined in G.S. 66-94, while engaged in activities subject to regulation under Article 19 of Chapter 66 of the General Statutes, provided that such seller has complied with the provisions of G.S. 66-97.
x.         A "loan broker" as defined in G.S. 66-106, while engaged in activities subject to regulation under Article 20 of Chapter 66 of the General Statutes, provided that such loan broker has complied with the provisions of G.S. 66-109.
y.         A "membership camping operator" as defined in G.S. 66-232(10) or a "salesperson" as defined in G.S. 66-232(16), while engaged in activities subject to regulation under Article 31 of Chapter 66 of the General Statutes, provided that such persons have complied with the provisions of G.S. 66-234 and 66-237, as applicable.  (1997-482, s. 1; 2013-157, s. 17; 2017-6, s. 3; 2018-146, ss. 3.1(a), (b), 6.1.)
§ 66-261.  Registration of telephonic sellers.
(a)        Not less than 10 days before commencing telephone solicitations in this State, a telephonic seller shall register with the Secretary by filing the information required in G.S. 66-262 and paying a filing fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00). A telephonic seller is doing business in this State if it solicits or attempts to solicit prospective purchasers from locations in this State or solicits or attempts to solicit prospective purchasers who are located in this State.
(b)        The information required in G.S. 66-262 shall be submitted on a form provided by the Secretary and shall contain the notarized signatures of each principal of the telephonic seller.
(c)        Registration of a telephonic seller shall be valid for one year from the effective date thereof and may be annually renewed by making the filing required in G.S. 66-262 and paying the filing fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00). Registration shall not be deemed effective unless all required information is provided and any deficiencies or errors noted by the Secretary have been corrected to the satisfaction of the Secretary.
(d)       Whenever, prior to expiration of a seller's annual registration, there is a change in the information required by G.S. 66-262, the seller shall, within 10 days after the change, file an addendum with the Secretary updating the information. (1997-482, s. 1.)
§ 66-262.  Filing information.
(a)        Each filing submitted to the Secretary shall contain all of the following information:
(1)        The name or names, including any assumed business names, under which the telephonic seller is doing or intends to do business in this State.
(2)        The telephonic seller's business form and place of organization and, if the seller is a corporation, copies of its articles of incorporation and bylaws and amendments thereto, or if a partnership, a copy of the partnership agreement.
(3)        Complete street address of the telephonic seller's principal place of business.
(4)        The complete street address of each location from which telephone solicitations are placed by the telephonic seller.
(5)        A listing of all telephone numbers to be used by the telephonic seller, including area codes, and the complete street address of the business premises served by each number.
(6)        The name and title of each principal.
(7)        The complete street address of the residence, the date of birth, and the social security number of each principal.
(8)        The true name, street address, date of birth, and the social security number of each room operator, together with the room operator's full employment history during the preceding two years.
(9)        The name and address of all banks or savings institutions where the telephonic seller maintains deposit accounts.
(10)      The name and address of each long-distance telephone carrier used by the telephonic seller.
(11)      A summary of each civil or criminal proceeding brought against the telephonic seller, any of its principals, or any of its room operators during the preceding five years by federal, State, or local officials relating to telephonic sales practices of each. The summary shall include the date each action was commenced, the criminal or civil charges alleged, the case caption, the court file number, the court venue, and the disposition of the action. For purposes of this section, a "civil proceeding includes" means assurances of voluntary compliance, assurances of discontinuance, consent judgments, and similar agreements executed with federal, State, or local officials.
(b)        For purposes of this section, "street address" does not include a private mail service address.  (1997-482, s. 1; 2016-100, s. 9.)
§ 66-263.  Bond requirement; prizes and gifts.
(a)        At least 10 days before the commencement of any promotion offering any gift or prize with an actual or represented market value of five hundred dollars ($500.00) or more, the telephonic seller shall notify the Secretary in writing of the details of the promotion, fully describing the nature and number of all gifts or prizes and their current market value, the seller's rules and regulations governing the promotion, and the date the gifts or prizes are to be awarded. All gifts or prizes offered shall be awarded. Concurrent with notifying the Secretary under this subsection, the telephonic seller shall post a bond with the Secretary for the market value or the represented value, whichever is greater, of all gifts or prizes represented as available under the promotion. The bond must be issued by a surety company authorized to do business in this State. The bond shall be in favor of the State of North Carolina for the benefit of any person entitled to receive a gift or prize under the promotion who did not receive it within 30 days of the specified date of award. The amount recoverable by any person under the bond shall not exceed the market value, the represented value of the gift or prize, or the amount of any consideration or contribution paid by that person in response to the telephone solicitation, whichever is greatest.
(b)        Within 45 days after the specified date of the award of the gift or prize, the seller shall provide, in writing, to the Secretary, proof that the gifts or prizes were awarded. The writing shall include the name, address, and telephone number of all persons receiving awards or prizes. The bond shall be maintained until the Secretary receives reliable proof that the gifts or prizes have been delivered to the intended recipients.
(c)        The Attorney General, on behalf of any injured purchaser, or any purchaser who is injured by the bankruptcy of the telephonic seller or its breach of any agreement entered into in its capacity as a telephonic seller, may initiate a civil action to recover against the bond. (1997-482, s. 1.)
§ 66-264.  Calls made to minors.
A telephonic seller must inquire as to whether the prospective purchaser it is contacting is under 18 years of age. If the prospective purchaser purports to be under 18 years of age, the telephonic seller must discontinue the call immediately. (1997-482, s. 1.)
§ 66-265.  Offers of gifts or prizes.
(a)        It shall be unlawful for any telephonic seller to make a telephone solicitation or attempted telephone solicitation involving any gift or prize when the solicitation or attempted solicitation:
(1)        Requests or directs the consumer to further the transaction by calling a 900 number or a pay-per-call number.
(2)        Requests or directs the consumer to send any payment or make a donation in order to collect the gift or prize.
(3)        Does not comply fully with G.S. 75-30, 75-32, 75-33, or 75-34.
(b)        Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, a telephonic seller may offer a gift or prize in connection with the bona fide sale of a product or service. (1997-482, s. 1.)
§ 66-266.  Penalties.
(a)        Any violation of this Article shall constitute an unfair and deceptive trade practice in violation of G.S. 75-1.1.
(b)        In an action by the Attorney General against a telephonic seller for violation of this Article, or for any other act or practice by a telephonic seller constituting a violation of G.S. 75-1.1, the court may impose civil penalties of up to twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) for each violation involving North Carolina purchasers or prospective purchasers who are 65 years of age or older.
(c)        The remedies and penalties available under this section shall be supplemental to others available under the law, both civil and criminal.
(d)       Compliance with this Article does not satisfy or substitute for any other requirements for license, registration, or conduct imposed by law.
(e)        In any civil proceeding alleging a violation of this Article, the burden of proving an exemption or an exception from a definition is upon the person claiming it, and in any criminal proceeding alleging a violation of this Article, the burden of producing evidence to support a defense based upon an exemption or an exception from a definition is upon the person claiming it. (1997-482, s. 1.)
§§ 66-267 through 66-269.  Reserved for future codification purposes.
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