Oregon Prohibition on Printing, Displaying or Posting Social Security Numbers (OR Rev Stat § 646A.620)

Oregon Prohibition on Printing, Displaying or Posting Social Security Numbers

OR Rev Stat § 646A.620


Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume: 16 - Trade Practices, Labor and Employment

Chapter 646A - Trade Regulation

Section 646A.620 - Prohibition on printing, displaying or posting Social Security numbers; exemptions.


§ 646A.620 - Prohibition on printing, displaying or posting Social Security numbers; exemptions.

(1) Except as otherwise specifically provided by law, a person may not:

(a) Print a consumer’s Social Security number on mail to the consumer that is:

(A) Material the consumer did not request; or

(B) Part of any documentation the consumer requested for a transaction or service, unless the Social Security number is redacted.

(b) Print a consumer’s Social Security number on any card required for the consumer to access products or services provided by the person.

(c) Publicly post or publicly display a consumer’s Social Security number unless the Social Security number is redacted. As used in this paragraph, "publicly post or publicly display" means to communicate or otherwise make available to the public.

(d) Dispose of, or transfer to another person for disposal, material or media that display a consumer’s Social Security number unless the person makes the Social Security number unreadable or unrecoverable or ensures that any person that ultimately disposes of the material or media makes the Social Security number unreadable or unrecoverable.

(2) This section does not prevent the collection, use or release of a Social Security number as required by state or federal law or rule adopted by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals or the judge of the Oregon Tax Court and does not prevent the use or printing of a Social Security number for internal verification or administrative purposes or to enforce a judgment or court order.

(3) This section does not apply to records that must be made available to the public under state or federal law or rule adopted by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals or the judge of the Oregon Tax Court.

(4) This section does not apply to a Social Security number in any of the following records or copies of records in any form or storage medium maintained or otherwise possessed by a court, the State Court Administrator or the Secretary of State:

(a) A record received on or before October 1, 2007;

(b) A record received after October 1, 2007, if, by state or federal statute or rule, the person that submitted the record could have caused the record to be filed or maintained in a manner that protected the Social Security number from public disclosure; or

(c) A record, regardless of the date created or received, that is:

(A) An accusatory instrument charging a violation or crime;

(B) A record of oral proceedings in a court;

(C) An exhibit offered as evidence in a proceeding; or

(D) A judgment or court order. [2007 c.759 §11; 2017 c.254 §1]



For more information, see here:  https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_chapter_646


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