FTC Released a Guide for .com Disclosures: Prominence

Guide for .com Disclosures: Prominence

It is the advertiser’s responsibility to draw attention to the required disclosures.

Display disclosures prominently so they are noticeable to consumers. The size, color, and graphics of the disclosure affect its prominence.

● Size Matters. Disclosures that are at least as large as the claim to which they relate are more likely to be effective.

● Color Counts. A disclosure in a color that contrasts with the background emphasizes the text of the disclosure and makes it more noticeable. Information in a color that blends in with the background of the ad is likely to be missed. Example 18

● Graphics Help. Although using graphics to display a disclosure is not required, they may make the disclosure more prominent.

Evaluate the size, color, and graphics of the disclosure in relation to other parts of the website, email or text message, or application.28 The size of a disclosure should be compared to the type size of the claim and other text on the screen. If a claim uses a particular color or graphic treatment, the disclosure can be formatted the same way to help ensure that consumers who see the claim are also able to see the disclosure and relate it back to the claim it modifies. In addition, the graphic treatment of the disclosure may be evaluated in relation to how graphics are used to convey other items in the ad.

Account for viewing on different devices. Most webpages viewable on desktop devices may also be viewable on smartphones. Therefore, unless a website defaults to a mobile-optimized (or similarly responsive) version,29 advertisers should design the website so that any necessary disclosures are clear and conspicuous, regardless of the device on which they are displayed. Example 19 Among many other considerations, if a disclosure is too small to read on a mobile device and the text of the disclosure cannot be enlarged, it is not a clear and conspicuous disclosure. If a disclosure is presented in a long line of text that does not wrap around and fit on a screen, it is unlikely to be adequate.

Don’t bury it. The prominence of the disclosure also may be affected by other factors. A disclosure that is buried in a long paragraph of unrelated text will not be effective. The unrelated text detracts from the message and makes it unlikely that a consumer would notice the disclosure or recognize its importance. Even though the unrelated information may be useful, advertisers must ensure that the disclosure is communicated effectively. For example, it is highly unlikely that consumers will read disclosures buried in “terms of use” and similar lengthy agreements. Even if such agreements may be sufficient for contractual or other purposes, disclosures that are necessary to prevent deception or unfairness should not be relegated to them. Similarly, simply because consumers click that they “agree” to a term or condition, does not make the disclosure clear and conspicuous.

A disclosure that addresses a subject other than the primary subject of the ad. Consumers who are trying to complete a task and obtain a specific product or service may not pay adequate attention to a disclosure that does not relate to the task at hand. This can be problematic if, for example, an advertiser is selling a product or service together with a negative option trial for a different product or service. In these circumstances, even a relatively prominent disclosure about the negative option trial could be missed by consumers because this additional product or service is not their primary focus. One way to increase the likelihood that consumers have actually read and understood a disclosure in such circumstances is to require consumers to affirmatively acknowledge having seen the disclosure by choosing between multiple answer options, none of which is preselected. Any such affirmative acknowledgement should be displayed early in the decision-making process, e.g., before the primary item is actually added to a shopping cart. Example 20


For more information, see here:  https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/com-disclosures-how-make-effective-disclosures-digital


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