Oregon Unsolicited Facsimile Machine Transmissions (OR Rev Stat § 646A.360)

Oregon Unsolicited Facsimile Machine Transmissions

OR Rev Stat § 646A.360


Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume: 16 - Trade Practices, Labor and Employment

Chapter 646A - Trade Regulation


Section 646A.360 - Unsolicited facsimile machine transmissions.


§ 646A.360 - Unsolicited facsimile machine transmissions.

(1) If a person receives on a facsimile machine any unsolicited and unwanted advertising material for the sale of any realty, goods or services, the person may give the sender of such material written notice to discontinue further such transmissions. No person who has received such a discontinuance notice shall use a facsimile machine to transmit unsolicited advertising material for the sale of realty, goods or services to the person who gave the discontinuance notice for a period of one calendar year from the date the notice was given.

(2) As used in this section, "facsimile machine" means a machine that electronically transmits or receives facsimiles of documents through connection with a telephone network. [Formerly 646.872]


For more information, see here:  https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_chapter_646


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