Articles from Around the Web

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US immigration rights groups sue LexisNexis for collection of personal data

Four immigration rights groups sued LexisNexis in Illinois state court, alleging it violated privacy and consumer rights, Computer Weekly reports. The lawsuit alleges LexisNexis’ Accurint data aggregator collected and combined “extensive” personal information on individuals without their knowledge or consent and distributed it to federal immigration authorities, among other third parties.

Expect conflicting provisions between Indonesia's PDPL, existing statutes

Despite clearing up potential discrepancies around its provisions for a supervisory authority, issues regarding Indonesia's proposed Personal Data Protection Law may not be totally resolved. Christian Teo & Partners Associate Glenn Wijaya opines the PDPL, which is expected to be promulgated this month, contains more conflicts across various Indonesian statutes covering personal data.

Data transparency framework key to effective regulation

While data protection and privacy regulations emerge and develop around the world, personal data continues to be legally collected, aggregated, analyzed, packaged and resold. Proofpoint Resident Chief Information Security Officer J.C. Checco said the gap that exists in effectively regulating data practices "lies in the need for transparency in the flow of personal information." Checco outlines a potential resolution framework based on personal information privacy ontology.Full Story

ANPD opens consultation on regulating sanctions

Brazil's data protection authority, the Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados, announced a public consultation on the draft resolution for regulations outlining the regulator's sanctioning powers. The ANPD said the regulations aim to "promote the effectiveness of the (General Data Protection Law) through the establishment of a methodology" for its sanctions that "provide legal certainty for both (the) regulated and regulators." The public comment deadline is Sept.

Encrypted messaging service hacked as result of cloud communications company breach

Hackers breached cloud communications company Twilio, Vice reports. The company provides infrastructure to companies that send automated text messages to users, so the hackers had an opportunity to take over users’ accounts that were tied to their phone number on a service backed by Twilio. One such service was encrypted messaging application Signal. Signal announced approximately 1,900 users were targeted by the hackers.

Scotland set to pass first criminal justice biometric data use law

Scotland is nearing approval of the world’s first statutory Code of Practice for use of biometric information, Holyrood reports. The regulation would govern police and the criminal justice system’s “acquisition, retention, use and destruction of biometric data.” Scotland’s Criminal Justice Committee has signed off on the regulation, which could be finalized by mid-November if national ministers do not object to any of its provisions in their meeting Sept.

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