Articles from Around the Web

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Roundup: Ireland, Russia, US and more

In this week’s global legislative roundup, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission announced it will explore privacy and data security rulemaking. Updates to Russia’s personal data law will be formally implemented next month. The Irish Data Protection Commission’s children's privacy decision against Instagram could come by the end of August. And, the California state legislature advanced the California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act to a Senate floor vote. (IAPP member exclusive.)Full Story

Report: Digital health companies violate own privacy notices in marketing to patients

Forbes reports on a study finding digital health companies are sharing their users’ personal data with Facebook to better refine targeted advertising. The study followed users active in an online cancer support community using applications from five companies. Researchers found third-party ad trackers utilized by the companies followed the users online and were used to directly market to them.

Czech Republic's data protection authority formalized as country's cyber regulator

The Czech Republic’s National Office for Cyber ​​and Information Security was installed as the state authority for data security. The formal declaration was done through an amendment to the Act on Cybersecurity, which synchronized the Czech legal system with the European Parliament and the Council of the EU. The NÚKIB now has the authority to supervise rules included in the European cybersecurity certification systems.

FTC to host privacy rulemaking forum Sept. 8

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission announced a public forum Sept. 8 to discuss plans for and take public comments on its proposed privacy and data security rulemaking. FTC Chair Lina Khan and Commissioners Rebecca Kelly Slaughter and Alvaro Bedoya will each provide remarks over the course of the forum. The event program includes an agency plan presentation, panels for industry and advocate perspectives, and a public feedback session.

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