Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers includes the CLIClaw Subscription Blogs and the answers to questions from our users. If you have a question for our team of experts, submit one for consideration! Review our archive for answers to past questions or use our search bar above to look for questions on a specific topic.

I've Got a Question!

Am I required to provide four different points of contact for the Office according to the DMCA?

No. While the Office recommends that the contact information given for the primary contact, secondary contact (if provided), service provider, and designated agent all be different so as to ensure that important notices and reminders sent by the Office promptly reach the correct individuals, it is...

Are there any circumstances under which I can provide a P.O. Box for the service provider’s address?

Yes, but only with prior approval of the Copyright Office, which will only be given upon written request and in exceptional circumstances, such where there is a demonstrable threat to an individual’s personal safety or security, such that it may be dangerous to publicly publish a street address...

How do I amend a designation?

To manage an existing designation, begin by going to Please read the Notice to Users and click “Close” when finished. Please also read the Privacy Act Notice on the bottom of the login page. Then, login by entering a login ID and password. Once logged in, you will be...

How do I renew a designation?

To ensure that designations remain current and accurate, each service provider must “renew” its designation at least every three years, either by amending it to correct or update outdated information or, if the information is still accurate, by resubmitting it through the online system without...