
Privacy Federal Laws & Resources

There have been many attempts to pass Federal level privacy legislation by legislators from numerous states over the years.  Unfortunately, no bill has successfully passed.  However, there are a few Federal laws that govern privacy in various sectors.

  • Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”) is a US federal law enacted on April 21, 2000, to regulate the online collection of personal information about children under 13 years of age.

  • Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (“FACTA”) is a US federal law signed into law on December 4, 2003 as an amendment to the Fair Credit Reporting Act to cut down on the number of identity theft incidents and improve secure disposal or destruction of consumer information.

  • Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (“GLBA”) is a US federal law that was signed into law on November 12, 1999 and it requires financial institutions and other businesses that offer financial services and products to communicate to their customers how they protect and share their private information and the customer’s right to opt-out of any third-party data sharing.

  • The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) is a US federal law that was signed into law on August 21, 1996 and it was created to modernize the flow of healthcare information and stipulate how the confidentiality and integrity of personally identifiable information held by healthcare providers be protected.

  • The Privacy Act is a US federal law enacted on December 31, 1974, to govern the collection, use, and dissemination of personally identifiable information about individuals held by federal agencies.

American Data Privacy and Protection Act (Proposed 2022)
Communications Act of 1934 Customer Proprietary Network Information Provisions (47 U.S.C. § 222)
Communications Decency Act of 1995 (“CDA”) (47 U.S.C. § 230)
Disclosure of Nonpublic Personal Information (15 USC § 6801 - § 6827) (1999)
Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 ("ECPA") (18 U.S.C. § 2510-2523)
FTC Amended the Privacy of Consumer Financial Information Rule under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (16 CFR Part 313) (December 9, 2021)
FTC Released a Guide Businesses Must Provide Victims and Law Enforcement with Transaction Records Relating to Identity Theft (May 2017)
FTC Released a Guide Buying or Selling Debts- Steps for Keeping Data Secure (April 2015)
FTC Released a Guide Careful Connections: Building Security in the Internet of Things (January 2015)
FTC Released a Guide Fighting Identity Theft with the Red Flags Rule: A How-To Guide for Business (May 2013)
FTC Released a Guide How To Comply with the Privacy of Consumer Financial Information Rule of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (July 2002)
FTC Released a Guide Mobile Health App Developers: FTC Best Practices (April 2016)
FTC Released a Guide Protecting Personal Information: A Guide for Business (October 2016)
FTC Released a Staff Report that Finds Many Internet Service Providers Collect Troves of Personal Data, Users Have Few Options to Restrict Use (October 21, 2021)
FTC Released an Article Corporate Boards: Don’t underestimate your role in data security oversight (April 28, 2021)
FTC Released an Article Privacy Policies- Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say (February 2008)
FTC Released the Privacy & Data Security Update for 2015
FTC Released the Privacy & Data Security Update for 2016
FTC Released the Privacy & Data Security Update for 2017
FTC Released the Privacy & Data Security Update for 2018
FTC Released the Privacy & Data Security Update for 2019
FTC Released the Privacy & Data Security Update for 2020
FTC Released the Privacy & Data Security Update for 2023
FTC Updates Rule that Strengthens Security Safeguards for Consumer Financial Information Following Widespread Data Breaches (October 27, 2021)
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (“GLBA”) (15 U.S.C. §§ 6801-6809, §§ 6821-6827)
HITECH Act Enforcement Interim Final Rule ("HITECH") (42 USC 201) (November 30, 2009)
Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-318, 112 Stat. 3007) (Oct. 30, 1998)
INFORM Consumers Act (15 U.S.C. § 45f) (2023)
Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552a)
Privacy of Consumer Financial Information ("Privacy Rule") (16 CFR Part 313)
Privacy of Consumer Financial Information; Final Rule (16 CFR Part 313)
Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act (15 U.S.C. § 6551, et seq.) (October 10, 2008)
Red Flags Rule (16 C.F.R. 681.1)
Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978 ("RFPA") (31 CFR Part 14)
Safeguards Rule (16 CFR Part 314)
Standards for Safeguarding Customer Information (Final Rule) (16 CFR Part 314) (2021)
Standards for Safeguarding Customer Information (“Safeguards Rule”) (16 CFR Part 314) (November 13, 2023)
The Stored Communications Act (18 U.S.C. Chapter 121 §§ 2701–2712) (2018)
US Federal Disposal of Consumer Report Information and Records (16 CFR § 682.1 - § 682.5) (2005)
Video Privacy Protection Act of 1988 ("VPPA") (18 U.S.C. § 2710) (1988)

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These materials were obtained directly from the U.S. Federal Government public websites, U.S. State Government public websites, or the International Government public websites and are posted here for your review and reference only. No Claim to Original U.S. Government Works, Original U.S. State Government Works, or Original International Government Works. This information may not be the most recent version. The U.S. Government, U.S. States, or International Governments may have more current information. We make no guarantees or warranties about the accuracy or completeness of this information, or the information linked to. Please check the linked sources directly.

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