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EU AI Act consolidated text leaked online

Two unofficial versions of consolidated text on the proposed EU Artificial Intelligence Act leaked online Monday, indicating progress on the major legislation continues in earnest. Journalist Luca Bertuzzi posted, that given "the massive public attention to the (AI Act), I've taken the rather unprecedented decision to publish the final text." Shortly after Bertuzzi's post, European Parliament Senior Advisor Laura Caroli shared a consolidated 258-page document online.

India's data protection rules likely delayed until after elections

The framework for India's new digital data protection law may not be finalized until the 2024 spring elections, CNBCTV reports. The rules, created under the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, are reportedly in the final stages of drafting, but still need to go through the public consultation process and other regulatory actions before taking effect.Full story

Co-sponsor details potential impacts of New Hampshire's comprehensive privacy bill

New Hampshire is the latest U.S. state to settle on a comprehensive privacy bill after the state legislature granted final passage to Senate Bill 255 on 18 Jan. In many ways the bill falls in line with the laws enacted in 13 states, but some wrinkles exist. State Sen. Donna Soucy, D-N.H., the lead Democratic co-sponsor of the bipartisan bill, spoke with IAPP News Editor Joe Duball to discuss SB 255's drafting, expected impacts and more.Full story

EU-US deal on law enforcement data sharing imminent

A deal between the EU and the U.S. to allow European law enforcement to access data from U.S.-based technology companies will likely happen by the end of 2024, Politico reports. The possibility raised privacy concerns on both sides of the Atlantic, as some fear the deal could lead to overreaches in data requests and misuse of the powers by countries looking to limit human rights.Full story