Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers includes the CLIClaw Subscription Blogs and the answers to questions from our users. If you have a question for our team of experts, submit one for consideration! Review our archive for answers to past questions or use our search bar above to look for questions on a specific topic.

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How do you Advertise a Lifetime Warranty or Guarantee, according to the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act?

"Lifetime" warranties or guarantees can be a source of confusion for consumers. This is because it is often difficult to tell just whose life measures the period of coverage. "Lifetime" can be used in at least three ways. For example, a warrantor of an auto muffler may intend his "lifetime"...

How do you Advertise a Satisfaction Guarantee, according to the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act?

The Guides advise that, regardless of the price of the product, advertising terms such as "satisfaction guaranteed" or "money back guarantee" should be used only if the advertiser is willing to provide full refunds to customers when, for any reason, they return the merchandise. The Guides further...

How do you Advertise Warranties Covered by the Pre-Sale Availability Rule, according to the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act?

In general, the Guides advise that if a print or broadcast ad for a consumer product mentions a warranty, and the advertised product is covered by the Pre Sale Availability Rule (that is, the product is sold in stores for more than $15) the ad should inform consumers that a copy of the warranty is...

In the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act Requirement I, what do the Terms "Full" and "Limited" Mean?

The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act requires that every written warranty on a consumer product that costs more than $10 have a title that says the warranty is either "full" or "limited" (The Act calls these titles "designations.") The title is intended to provide consumers, at a glance, with a key to...

What are Express Warranties?

Express warranties, unlike implied warranties, are not "read into" your sales contracts by state law; rather, you explicitly offer these warranties to your customers in the course of a sales transaction. They are promises and statements that you voluntarily make about your product or about your...

What are Implied Warranties?

Implied warranties are unspoken, unwritten promises, created by state law, that go from you, as a seller or merchant, to your customers. Implied warranties are based upon the common law principle of "fair value for money spent," There are two types of implied warranties that occur in consumer...