Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers includes the CLIClaw Subscription Blogs and the answers to questions from our users. If you have a question for our team of experts, submit one for consideration! Review our archive for answers to past questions or use our search bar above to look for questions on a specific topic.

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What are the Three Key Principles in the FTC's New Telemarketing Sales Rule (“TSR”)?

What are the Three Key Principles in the FTC's New Telemarketing Sales Rule (“TSR”)? The Federal Trade Commission ("FTC"), the nation’s consumer protection agency, has amended the Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR) to add specific provisions to curb deceptive and abusive practices associated with debt...

What are the Types of Telemarketing Calls Covered by the New Telemarketing Sales Rule ("TSR")?

What are the Types of Telemarketing Calls Covered by the New Telemarketing Sales Rule ("TSR")? The Telemarketing Sales Rule has covered a wide variety of telemarketing transactions since it was enacted in 1995, including the sale of credit repair services, products with a negative option feature,...