Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers includes the CLIClaw Subscription Blogs and the answers to questions from our users. If you have a question for our team of experts, submit one for consideration! Review our archive for answers to past questions or use our search bar above to look for questions on a specific topic.

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Can we provide a delay option notice by posting it on the Customer’s "Order-Status" Page of our Website?

If you provide a delay option notice, you must choose a way that is reasonably likely to provide all the required information within the time period required by the Rule. If the consumer doesn’t visit the order-status page until after she misses her order, you haven’t complied with the Rule’s...

Can we Say 48 hours "most of the time" according to the Mail, Internet, or Telephone Order Merchandise Rule?

If you represent that you ship in 48 hours most of the time, you will be required to ship or provide notification of delay in 48 hours all the time. The Rule requires you to ship in the time you say. If you say you ship in 48 hours "most of the time," reasonable consumers will infer that you will...

Can we send the delay option notice to the customer’s email address according to the Mail, Internet, or Telephone Order Merchandise Rule?

Notice by Posting and Email Q: Can we send the delay option notice to the customer’s e-mail address? A: Yes. Q: Can we provide a delay option notice by posting it on the customer’s "order-status" page of our website? A: If you provide a delay option notice, you must choose a way that is reasonably...

How much you must refund according to the Mail, Internet, or Telephone Order Merchandise Rule?

If you cannot ship any of the merchandise ordered by the customer, you must refund the entire amount the customer "tendered," including any shipping, handling, insurance, or other costs. If you ship some, but not all, of the merchandise ordered, you must refund the difference between the total...

How quickly must you make a refund according to the Mail, Internet, or Telephone Order Merchandise Rule?

When you must make a Rule-required refund, the following applies: • If the customer paid by cash, check, or money order, you must refund the correct amount by first class mail within seven working days after the order is cancelled. • If the customer paid by credit, you must credit the customer’s...

How quickly you must make a refund according to the Mail, Internet, or Telephone Order Rule?

When you must make a Rule-required refund, the following applies: If the customer paid by cash, check, money order, or by credit where a third party is the creditor, or by any other method except credit where you are a creditor, you must refund the correct amount within seven working days after the...

If a Customer Orders an item which is Backordered, Can we Substitute an item of Similar or Better Quality without the Customer’s Consent?

For backorders, the Rule provides only two ways of responding to a properly completed order for mail or telephone order merchandise: obtain the customer’s agreement to delayed shipment or provide a full and prompt refund. Unless the customer expressly agrees to the substitution beforehand, you do...

We offer to ship merchandise ordered by mail or telephone and to bill the customer later. Are we covered by the Rule?

Whether the transaction is covered by the Rule depends on whether you bill as part of a credit arrangement made with the customer. For example, suppose you ship the merchandise under an arrangement where the customer has an open account or a charge account you have provided, and the customer...